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How Health Coaches Are Integral to Excellent Care

How Health Coaches Are Integral to Excellent Care

As little as ten years ago, it was rare to find health coaches integrated into the patient care cycle. While health coach integration into the healthcare system is still not universal, clinics, hospitals, and individual health professionals are beginning to recognize the positive impact that health coaches can have on patient and client outcomes.  

The positive impact health coaches have on patient and client outcomes is not only anecdotal. There is a growing body of research that demonstrates the impact that health coaches have on patient wellbeing and the overall success of healthcare systems.  

Health Coaches Answer Questions Between Doctor’s Visits 

When someone visits their physician, it is likely they will only have about fifteen minutes of face time with them. During that time, they are often given the highlights of test results and physical exams, given a diagnosis and a brief explanation, and provided with a treatment plan and lifestyle recommendations.  READ MORE HERE

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